Unique Ideas to Make Frozen Tater Tots Taste Better

Tater Tots
Photo by Nate Johnston on Unsplash

Frozen tater tots always come in handy when you are craving some quick and satisfying snack. You just need to fry them, pair them with some dip, and you’re good to go. But you shouldn’t stop there because tater tots can taste even better if you use one of the following ideas.

Season Them

This one is plain simple. To improve your tater tots, put some seasoning like barbecue spice or Italian mix on them. It will make them significantly more flavorful.

Use Them Instead of Fries for Poutine

We know that the French fries are a key component of poutine. However, nothing is stopping you from swapping them out for tater tots. Gravy and cheese curds will take the tater tots to a whole other level.

Make Some Waffles

If you have a waffle maker, then it’s time you start using it for making tater tots waffles. Make sure to thaw the tater tots and snuggle them to cover the entire bottom plate of the waffle maker. When done, put some toppings like bacon or cheese and dig in.

Load Them

The loaded version of tater tots might be our favorite. Just top them with melty cheese, sour cream, onions, bacon, or anything else your heart desires and turn them into an amazing explosion of flavors.