Top 5 Munchies of All Time

Photo by mahyar motebassem on Unsplash

So you’ve got the munchies. Your stomach is just begging for something delicious. Here is a definitive list of the top five best munchies.

Ice Cream

Is your mouth feeling a little dry? Are you watching a funny TV show? Got a sweet tooth? Ice cream should definitely be your go-to. Whether you’re before or after a meal who cares? You’re an adult!


You knew pizza would make this list. It is the savory, cheesy favorite of peasants and kings alike. You can go for a classic Neapolitan slice, or be adventurous and try a new slice. Obviously, a mushroom slice is also a great option.


You should get to the closest Mexican joint as quickly as you can. When you taste some good enchiladas you will have a religious experience. The texture, with the cheese and the soft spice will have you thanking spirits you didn’t know existed!


Lasagna. Just the word makes the mouth water. Whether you’re an orange cat that hates Mondays or just a hungry human, this is nature’s most perfect food. 


When you bite into a burger, the soft bread gives way to the juicy sauce and that crunchy lettuce tomato. Next, the delicious bacon and cheese combo crashes into the palate. Finally, the warm and firm patty fills the soul with joy. Because of this, the burger is the king of all munchies. Enjoy!