Top 3 Alternatives to American Cheese

Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

You see it on top of burgers, melted on bread to make grilled cheese, and so much more. Despite its amazing melting capabilities, American cheese is not the best option for your health. It is highly processed and has even been found to have high levels of micro-plastics within the cheese. There are so many alternatives to American cheese—we know you won’t even miss it if you replace it with one of these.

Cheddar Cheese

Cheddar cheese is one of the best alternatives to American cheese out there. It melts fairly easily, just like American, except it’s not nearly as processed. If you want a similar flavor, select a mild cheddar option. You can use cheddar cheese in all the same recipes, and we bet it will taste even better!

Muenster Cheese

Muenster cheese is another mild cheese option with a lower melting point. It has a creamy flavor that you just won’t be able to resist. It’s great on sandwiches and burgers.

Colby Cheese

Another cheese with a mild flavor, Colby cheese is a great substitute for American cheese. It tastes similar to cheddar cheese, although it has a slightly firmer texture, making it a great option for sandwiches and snacking!