Tips to Take Your Food Photography to the Next Level

Food photography
Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

Food photography has become increasingly popular in recent years, with social media and food blogging making it easier than ever for cooks and recipe developers to share their content. That said, the quality of a particular image can make all the difference in how a post is received, so it’s important to take some time to learn how to take quality photos of the recipes you share. Whether you’re already a seasoned food blogger or just want to up your Instagram game, read on for some tips to help you capture mouth-watering images that will make your followers drool. 

Get the Lighting Right

Photography literally means, “drawing with light,” and the lighting in a particular setting really does have the power to make or break a food picture. Natural light is the best option, so try to shoot near a window or outside if possible. Avoid harsh overhead lighting or flash, as they can create unflattering shadows and make the food appear unappetizing. Try different angles and positions to find the best lighting for your shot.

Use Props

Adding props and a complementary background can help enhance a dish and make it appear more appetizing. Experiment with a variety of items like plates, utensils, and napkins to create a visually appealing composition. For backgrounds, use textured surfaces or colorful fabrics to add interest and contrast to your image.

Focus on the Details

Details have the power to make one food photo appear boring and forgettable and another irresistibly appetizing. Take the time to style your food and make sure everything is in its place before you start shooting. Use a shallow depth of field to create a blurred background that draws your viewer’s eye to the main subject. Shooting up close will also help you to capture the texture and colors of the food accurately.