Tips for Making the Perfect French Toast

French toast. A breakfast staple.
Photo by Joseph Gonzalez on Unsplash

French toast is one of those all-time favorite breakfasts and comfort foods that most people look forward to eating in the morning. Preparing this dish is fairly easy, but here are a few secrets for perfecting your French toast recipe.

Stale Bread

The most important secret for making the perfect French toast is to use slightly stale bread. That’s why this tasty breakfast is the perfect choice if you want to use up old bread. In case you don’t have any, simply dry out the bread in the oven for a few minutes to make your French toast more crunchy and tasty.

Use Only Egg Yolks

If your French toast often tastes like scrambled eggs that’s probably because you’re using whole eggs to make it. Eliminating egg whites will give your toast that perfect crunchy texture you’re looking for.


Last but not least, seasoning French toast with your favorite spices is the easiest way to add flavor and upgrade this breakfast. Fresh herbs like chives, thyme, oregano, or coriander are great for making the perfect savory French toast.