Tips For Making a Healthier Grilled Cheese

Grilled Cheese
Photo by Polina Tankilevitch from Pexels

One of the tastiest foods in the world is a good old-fashioned grilled cheese. Granted, something as trivial as “best foods” can be chalked up to subjective opinion, but it’s safe to say that a toasty grilled cheese sandwich is a very popular thing to eat in America. In any case, it’s also one of the most unhealthy things one can eat—which is why we’re about to offer a few helpful tips for making grilled cheese that’s much healthier.

Cool it With the Butter

One of the reasons grilled cheese is so tasty is because of all that butter you’re supposed to use. But hey, when you really stop to think about it, do you really need all that butter? Do you really need any of it? Sure, it adds to the taste, but if you’re trying to make a healthier grilled cheese, keep it to a minimum.

Same Goes for the Oil

When making grilled cheese on a frying pan, you may be tempted to add some oil to the pan. But this, too, will add to the unhealthiness of your dish—so we suggest cooling it with the oil as well.

Add Some Veggies

Instead of taking more stuff out, why not add a few healthy things? Without taking too much away from that delicious cheese we know you picked out so passionately, add some nutritious veggies to your sandwiches such as peppers or onions.