Tips for Deep Frying at Home

Deep frying tips
Photo by Krzysztof Hepner on Unsplash

Many people are intimidated by the technique of deep-frying, so they completely avoid it. And it makes sense: deep-frying can be dangerous and you shouldn’t try it without first learning what to do. But if and when you do learn, it opens up a whole world of delicious foods. So to help you access said new world, here are some tips for deep frying at home.

Safety First

The most important thing with deep frying is staying safe. This means never mixing hot oil and water, staying focused, avoiding distractions while frying, and keeping kids and pets away from the kitchen whenever hot oil is around. And keeping a fire extinguisher around never hurt anybody.

Have the Right Tools

Although you don’t need a specialized deep fryer to deep fry, there are a few tools that will help make deep frying much easier that you probably don’t have yet. We’re talking about a wire basket, a spider (no, not the arachnid, the skimming spoon), long tongs, and a cooling rack. You’ll also want to have plenty of paper towels!

Properly Dispose of Oil

While you can reuse frying oil by straining it through a cheesecloth and adding some fresh oil every time you reuse, eventually you’ll have to dispose of old oil. And when you do that, never pour it down the sink! Let it cool completely, put it in a sealed container, and throw it away.