Tips and Tricks for Gluten-Free Baking

Photo by Natallia Nagorniak on Unsplash

While going gluten-free is no longer as difficult as it once was, any dietary change is bound to require certain adjustments that may take some getting used to. Most grocery stores now have a dedicated gluten-free section filled with everything from pasta to pretzels, but baking from scratch is a bit more complicated. Gluten is a protein that provides structure in baked goods, and without it, breads and pastries often turn out dry and dense. Fortunately, there are a few simple ways you can enhance your gluten-free baking and create products that are just as good as their gluten-filled counterparts. Read on for some of our best tips.

Consider the Flour

Choosing the right flour is essential for creating a desirable texture in gluten-free baked goods. Flours made from almond, rice, coconut, and buckwheat are all naturally gluten-free. Each will produce a slightly different crumb size, density, and flavor in your finished product, so pick one that makes sense to use with the recipe you’ve chosen.

Use Xanthan Gum or Psyllium Husk Powder

These ingredients help to bind ingredients together and increase dough elasticity, giving your baked goods a more traditional texture. Be sure to measure them carefully, as too much can cause your treats to become gummy. 2 to 4 tablespoons is enough in most recipes.

Get Creative

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different recipes and ingredients. Gluten-free baking can be a fun and creative process. Play around with different ratios of GF flour and try incorporating other ingredients like fruit or nut butters to see how they affect the taste. Even if your baked goods don’t turn out perfectly, they can still be delicious!