Time to Step Up If You’re Not the Main Family Cook

Step Up in the Kitchen
Photo by Le Creuset on Unsplash

Most families have a primary cook. They’re usually the ones who make all of the meals throughout the week, and who feel pressured to prepare food at the drop of a hat when everyone’s tired. We won’t get bogged down into gender right now and traditional roles—we’ll just say that for the most part, there’s one parent that usually bears the grunt of the cooking in the house. If that’s not you, it’s time to step up.

You Can Do It

If there’s a spouse that doesn’t cook, a common argument they make is that they simply can’t do it. This is far from the truth—everything is just a matter of practice. Sure, some may find it naturally easier, but you’re just looking for excuses. If you put in the work and try out new things, you can find a dish that you’ll excel at.

You’ll Be So Helpful To Your Spouse

You don’t understand how helpful you’ll be to your spouse if you just made a few dishes on occasion. Even just the knowledge that you can step up if needed would give them a lot of peace of mind, even when you’re not actually doing it. So be a trooper and find an easy recipe that you can perfect! Relationships are all about teamwork and it’s time for you to do your share!