This Trick Will Improve Your Seasonings

Spices on spoons
Photo by Calum Lewis on Unsplash

There are many different branches of cooking, especially when it comes to putting together a recipe that’s to die for. Becoming a good chef doesn’t happen overnight, and that’s totally fine. But there are some easy tricks you can utilize that can prevent problems before you become the brilliant chef that you are deep inside. When it comes to sensitive seasonings, such as pepper, this trick will certainly prevent problems down the line.

Protecting Your Mixture

We’ve all been in a situation where we’re about to add some pepper to a seasoning, or a mixture, or even just a sandwich—and then we accidentally add a much larger amount than we intended. This happens to everyone, and for all kinds of understandable reasons, but it can be easily avoided.

If you want to prevent this from happening, all you have to do is sprinkle the pepper on your hand instead of the mixture. This way, you can see what’s coming out, and how fast it’s coming out, before it hits your food. From that point on, you can then truly add the pepper to your taste as you originally intended. Eventually, you’ll find yourself doing it like it’s second nature.