This Is Why You Should Start Shredding Your Tofu

Image by hanul choi from Pixabay

Have you ever thought to shred your tofu? This new method of preparing tofu is taking the foodie world by storm because of its convenience and versatility–making it unlike any other form of vegan protein. There’s so many reasons why you should start shredding your tofu, but here are our favorites.

It’s Quick and Easy

Everyone loves a hack that reduces meal prep time, and this is the perfect one. Instead of spending loads of time cutting your blocks of tofu into small individual cubes, you can easily shred the whole block in seconds! This will help you spend less time prepping and more time enjoying your food.

It’s Versatile

You can use shredded tofu as a shredded chicken substitute, or coat it in BBQ sauce for a pulled pork-inspired dish, or make the most delicious taco filling from it. You can even toast the shredded tofu until super crispy and use it as a salad topping. The possibilities here are endless.

It Changes the Texture

Some people simply don’t like the texture of tofu when it’s in bigger pieces. Shredding your tofu block makes the pieces so small, all you can feel is crispy goodness in each bite. No more chewy tofu!