This is Why You Should Give Seasonal Eating a Try

Fresh produce
Photo by Alexandr Podvalny on Unsplash

You know how we change over from sweaters and coats to T-shirts and dresses when spring arrives? You should do that with your food, too. The practice is called seasonal eating and involves consuming foods that are naturally available and harvested during a particular season of the year. Here are three reasons why you should try it out. 

Fresh is Best

When you eat seasonal produce, you get fruits and vegetables that are in their best shape possible. Not only are they super fresh, but they’re hitting their peak in terms of flavor and nutrient content.

Good for Your Wallet

One of the benefits of eating produce that is currently in season is that it doesn’t have to be imported from somewhere else. That saves money on transportation and storage, making that strawberry or brussels sprout way more affordable. 

Mix It Up

If you’re the type of person who hates eating the same thing day after day, seasonal eating will keep it fresh (ahem). By selecting fruits and veggies that are in season, your diet will become more varied and balanced, and you can have fun with meal planning that season’s produce.