This is the Right Time to Salt Your Water When Making Pasta

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If you’re not salting your pasta water, consider this a friendly reminder that it makes the world of a difference. You might not think that just adding salt could impact the taste of your dish so much, but it truly does. Some people even argue that without salting your pasta water, your final dish just won’t taste perfect! 

Why Salt Your Pasta Water?

It’s a valid question. Why would we salt the water, instead of just putting salt on the pasta itself? Well, that’s because when you salt the water, it evenly disperses the flavor throughout the pasta. So no matter what shape or size, every bit of pasta will be deliciously salted. 

Does the Timing Matter?

Yes, the timing of the salt absolutely matters! It seems insignificant—after all, the pasta gets salted. But the truth is, adding the salt at the right time will affect the distribution of flavor throughout the pasta!

So, When Should You Add the Salt?

Now that we’ve established that there is purpose behind salting your pasta water and that it matters when you add the salt, there’s one final question. When should you add the salt? The perfect time to add salt is when the water just comes to a boil, but before you add the pasta. This allows the salt to dissolve quickly into the water and ensures even distribution of salt to the pasta!