These Superfoods are the New Quinoa

Photo by Nick Bratanek on Unsplash

With its fun texture and super healthiness, quinoa has quickly become a staple grain in the past few years. But there’s always something new and shiny coming around the corner to get excited about. All of these foods have been called the new quinoa.


A tiny, beige, gluten-free whole grain, sorghum actually got its start as animal feed before making its way into the menus of star chefs across the world. It’s one of the top five cereal crops in the world, and its gluten-free nature has made it increase so much in popularity recently.


Closely related to quinoa, kañiwa is nutty without being bitter. The texture is tiny and crunchy, not quite as fluffy as quinoa. This ancient grain is also great for you, packed with fiber, iron, calcium, zinc, and even more protein than quinoa.


Like quinoa, fonio is nutritional powerhouse, and like sorghum, it’s gluten-free and high in fiber. It has a similar texture and flavor to quinoa with its nutty, fluffy quality. It also grows in West Africa, where few other crops can grow in the dry soil, so buying it benefits a developing region.