These Candied Nut Recipes Will Change Your Snacking Game Forever

Photo by Marta Branco from Pexels

Nuts are such a versatile food. While you can eat them plain, you can also turn them into so many different sweet and savory dishes. Nuts also make a great present when you make them candied! There are so many different kinds of nuts you can candy, each with a slight variation to make them even more special. Whether you like to snack on them throughout the day, use them to top sundaes or pancakes, or give them  away to your friends and family, candied nuts are your one stop shop.


For most nuts, the simple formula to use when candying is however many nuts you have in cups divided in half is the amount of cups of sugar you need. Divide that number in half and that’s how many cups of water you need. Put the water and sugar together in a saucepan over medium heat until the sugar dissolved, toss in the nuts, and roast for 20-30 minutes. Here are some extra add-ins to the syrup based on the type of nut you’re using.


Add in some cayenne pepper to give these rich nuts a kick of flavor!


Add in ground cloves and nutmeg to enhance their cozy taste.


Add in ground cinnamon to make these sweet nuts pop.