The Secret to the Fluffiest Scrambled Eggs

Image by Mario Cvitkovic from Pixabay

While scrambled eggs are one of the easiest dishes to make, there can be a little competition between friends and lovers whose scrambled eggs are better. While this dish is easy to make, there are many ways out there claiming to be the best technique for scrambled eggs. We are here to give out our top tricks to get the fluffiest scrambled eggs. 


The best-kept secret is to whisk your eggs. Whisking your eggs vigorously before putting them on the heat allows air to combine with the egg mixture, which helps to enhance their fluffiness. Using a whisk and not a fork is essential, as a whisk enables the air to combine with the eggs seamlessly. 

On the heat, off the heat

While whisking your eggs, place your pan on high heat, allowing the pan to heat up. However, before you plus the eggs to the pan, remove the pan from the heat. Allow 30 seconds off and 30 seconds on as you scramble your eggs. Ensuring that the eggs remain fluffy prevents overcooking their eggs—this is a common mistake among many. You will know your eggs are overcooked when they are brown and bottom. This creates a rubbery and dry texture to your eggs. 

Transferring your eggs

Many people do not know that eggs continue to cook once off the heat. Therefore, you want to transfer your eggs from pan to plate when they are still soft and somewhat runny.