The Real Way to Declutter Your Kitchen

Photo by roam in color on Unsplash

Spring may be a few months away, but it’s not too early to start spring cleaning. Kitchens tend to accumulate a lot of stuff, which is why you may want to tackle that arena. Here’s how to achieve a tidy kitchen, without losing your mind.

Start Small

The best way to take on a big task is to begin bit by bit. Instead of defrosting the freezer and emptying out all your cupboards, start by organizing smaller areas. You’ll be a lot less overwhelmed, trust us.

Let It Go

At the risk of putting Frozen’s theme song in your head (never a bad thing), it’s time to let go of certain items in your kitchen. Yes, we’re talking about containers with missing lids, baking dishes with cracks that leak, and those broken appliances that you’ve been meaning to repair for ages. Let them go!

Get into Groups

When it comes to storage, place similar items together. Think containers with mixing bowls and jars, or pots and pans with roasting trays. This will not only make it far easier to find things, but it will also keep your kitchen from being cluttered.