The Most Ideal Snack You Can Bring on a Plane

Beef jerky
Image by Daniel Albany from Pixabay

If you’re preparing for a long plane ride and can’t decide what snack to bring, we’ve got you covered. The pre-packaged meals that they give you on the plane can sometimes surprise you, but let’s be real: they’re usually not much to write home about. That’s why it’s always good to have an ace up your sleeve—a tasty snack that’ll provide reliable nourishment when you need it most. Here’s the best snack that’ll do all that and more.

Beef Jerky

If you’re not a vegetarian and love a tasty piece of meat, there’s no snack that’ll do the job right more than beef jerky. The first thing that needs to be said is that similar to nuts or candy, beef jerky is easy to carry and extremely practical. It’s not greasy or wet, but rather dry and compact. You can hold it in your backpack and seal up the bag when necessary. In other words, it has all the practical traits of a proper snack.

That being said, it’s a lot tastier than your typical snack. It’s more juicy and decadent than nuts, and it’s more healthy than candy. As long as you don’t eat too much of it and have a bottle of water on hand, it’s an excellent “meal” for a plane ride, and certainly better than most things you’ll have access to while you’re on board.