The Coffee Community Has 2 Distinct Groups

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the entire world, but with that comes a small caveat: it’s also one of the most controversial drinks in the entire world. There are a plethora of different arguments when it comes to coffee and right now we’re going to discuss one of the most popular ones around: whether or not coffee is best with sugar or without.

The Purists

If you ask any of the so-called “purists”, they’ll scoff if you tell them you drink coffee with sugar. They’ll ask you if you even taste the coffee, or if you even appreciate the coffee bean flavor. They may even go so far as to look down upon you for it, but those are only the mean ones. In their opinion, if the coffee you’re drinking needs sugar, it must not be “good enough” coffee.

The Fun Ones

Then there are the ones who love adding sugar to their coffee. They claim that they taste the coffee just fine—but they just feel like sugar would enhance it. If we had to guess, we’d say that probably more people drink coffee with sugar than without, mainly because sugar is just that addicting. From an objective standpoint, too much sugar is never good, but hey—too much coffee isn’t good either, so who’s keeping score?