The Best Ways to Get Rid of Garlic Breath

Photo by Tijana Drndarski on Unsplash

No dish is complete without some extra garlic. We can’t help it—we add garlic to our butter, our stir fries, our sauces—you name it. There’s something about the flavor of garlic that makes things extra delicious. The only downside of garlic is the unfortunate smell it leaves in our mouths. In the comfort of our own homes, we don’t mind it too much. In the presence of others, though, it can be overwhelming—so how do you get rid of it?

Lemon Juice

Drinking a little bit of lemon juice is the perfect solution to get rid of garlic breath. Lemon juice has acid, which neutralizes the stinky enzyme that garlic produces and leaves behind in our mouths. Eat a lemon slice and enjoy odorless breath.

Green Tea

This one might be a bit easier to do. All you need to do is drink some green tea to reap the benefits of the polyphenols, or the antioxidants that help to cover up the chemicals in garlic that cause the odor.

Raw Apples

Apples carry an enzyme that helps to cover up bad smelling breath. It’s the same enzyme that turns a slice of apple brown if you leave it out for some time, but it turns out that this makes for a great natural deodorant for the smell of garlic.