The Best Way to Make Wacky Mac

Mac and cheese
Image by wesweaver from Pixabay

Perhaps one of the world’s biggest guilty pleasures when it comes to instant meals is none other than Wacky Mac. If you haven’t yet been so fortunate to learn what Wacky Mac is, it’s a simplified way to make a delicious macaroni and cheese dinner. If you enjoy cheesy orange cheese packets, that is. Since most people secretly love them, the product is still going strong. However, there’s more than one way to make it, and here’s the best method.

Making the Sauce

We’ll skip the whole part about heating up the pasta because there’s pretty much only one way to do that. Boil some water, toss the pasta in there, and you’re good to go. But the cheese sauce is where things get tricky. There are many people who choose to add the plain pasta into the pot first, and only afterward add the butter, milk, and cheese packet.

However, we’re here to say that you should flip the process. While the pasta is still in the strainer, mix up the butter, milk, and cheese sauce in the pot over low heat until the mixture is complete. Only then should you add the pasta, and this is beneficial because now you’ll be able to consistently put the sauce on all areas of the pasta—making for an all-around balanced experience.