The absolute best way to slice an avocado

Image by fotocja/Instagram

With avocados fast becoming one of the world’s favorite foods, there’s been an upswing in avocado-related injuries. People are slicing their hands and fingers at an alarming rate when they’re cutting into avocados or trying to remove the pit.

So it’s refreshing to find out that there’s a safer way of cutting an avocado that as a bonus also results in perfect slices every time. Next time you find yourself ready to deal with a ripe avocado (yes, we know finding a ripe one can be tricky), try this handy tip. Instead of cutting the avocado in half along its length, halve it crosswise using a sharp knife.

This means you’re halving it exactly where the pit is. Now if your avocado is indeed ripe, you simply need to squeeze the half that contains the pit, and the pit with drop straight out. No more using a knife to get the pit out and ending up cutting yourself.

Now for the dicing and slicing. You can either use your knife to score the avocado into squares and then scooping it out with a spoon or neat rings/slices, use your spoon to loosen skin and scoop out the avocado whole. Place flat side down on cutting board and slice into half-moons.