Spring is the Perfect Time to Pour These Red Wines

Red wine for the spring time
Photo by Kelsey Knight on Unsplash

Spring is here, and while wine lovers might be tempted to put away their reds and start breaking out lighter whites as the temperatures rise, that’s not necessarily what you should do! There are a number of lighter-bodied, more refreshing reds that are actually quite suited to the spring taste buds.

Consider adding these three red wine varieties to your shopping list if you want to keep the red wine flowing during the coming months!

Pinot Noir

Pinot Noir is a classic spring choice, combining the tannins and hearty flavors of red wine with a light body and refreshing character that makes it a great choice for outdoor sipping. Pair it with foods like salmon, chicken, and pesto pasta.


This Spanish classic, associated most strongly with the world-famous La Rioja wine region, is another good idea for a spring red, especially on cooler days. It has a little bit more body than Pinots, but pairs so great with grilled steaks or Mexican food.


You might not think of sparkling wines when you think of reds, but the Italian Lambrusco wine is proof that these two can go together like a ball and a glove. Light, spritzy, and fruity, Lambrusco is perfect for brunch sipping or picnicking in the sun.