Simple Swaps for a More Plant-Based Holiday Menu

Vegetable broth
Photo by Elena Leya on Unsplash

For millions of families, meat has been a central part of holiday celebrations for generations, with over 40 million turkeys consumed in the United States on Thanksgiving alone. While we understand the comfort that can come from familiar traditions, a collective shift toward a more vegan way of life has been well underway in recent years, and it’s important to consider this when planning your holiday menu to ensure all of your guests have options to choose from. Read on to learn more about a few simple ways to make your holidays more plant-based. 

Use Plant-Based Butter

From mashed potatoes to green bean casserole, butter is used to add richness and flavor to tons of holiday side dishes. While vegan meat substitutes still have a ways to go, many of today’s plant-based butters are so similar to the real thing that it’s hard to tell the difference. Just swap at a 1:1 ratio to give all of your side dishes a creamy indulgence — 100% dairy-free. 

Choose Vegetable Broth

Soups, gravies, and stuffings often call for some kind of broth as a base, and while, traditionally, turkey or beef-based options are used as a default, switching them out for vegetable broth is an easy way to make your menu more vegan-friendly. For heartier dishes that could benefit from a more savory flavor, you can also try mushroom broth.

Try Coconut Cream

Whether your guests are vegan or have dietary restrictions around dairy, coconut cream makes an excellent alternative to heavy cream. With a smooth, rich texture and a subtle coconut flavor, it’s perfect for enhancing both savory dishes and seasonal desserts. Pop it in the fridge and chill overnight, then whip it with some powdered sugar and a splash of vanilla for coconut whipped cream.