Secrets for Making the Perfect Sushi Rice

Making sushi rice
Photo by Thomas Marban on Unsplash

Making sushi at home is actually much easier than most people think. In fact, one of the hardest parts might just be preparing the rice, which can be trickier than you would expect, especially the first time. But if you follow these tips, you should have no problem making perfect sushi rice on the first try.

The first step starts in the grocery store, when you have to buy the right rice. The correct kind is Japanese short-grain rice. Thankfully, most of the time you can find it labeled in the store as “sushi rice”.

Before you cook the rice, it’s important to rinse it until the water runs clear in order to get rid of excess starch. Then, ideally, soak your rice for 30 minutes before cooking it.

When you actually cook the rice, do yourself a favor and use a rice cooker. Not only will it make your life easier, but the rice will turn out better. So if you plan to make sushi more than once, go ahead and invest in a rice cooker.

Now, let’s talk flavor. Sushi rice just isn’t sushi rice if it isn’t flavored properly, with a combination of rice vinegar, salt, and sugar. Make sure to mix it thoroughly so all the rice is coated.