Seasoning Your Food is Good For Your Health

Photo by Tamanna Rumee on Unsplash

Not only is seasoning your food necessary to bring out its flavor and make it taste good, but it’s also very good for you, as many spices have significant health benefits. Here are just some of them.


High in magnesium and zinc, cardamom is known for being able to fight inflammation and calm upset stomachs.


A dessert staple, cinnamon is an antioxidant that fights inflammation and bacteria. It’s also been theorized that cinnamon can lower blood sugar in people with diabetes or at risk of diabetes.


Not only is cumin rich in iron, but it also has been shown to help people lose weight!


Ginger is known for calming an upset tummy, which indeed it does, but it also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and can even play a role in preventing diseases, including cancer.


This fun, bright yellow spice is one of the healthiest ones around. It’s packed full of curcumin, which is an antioxidant that eases inflammation and pain. It’s even been shown to help prevent or slow down brain plaques which are a cause of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.