Reduce Your Daily Salt Intake in Five Short Steps

Salt intake
Photo by Jason Tuinstra on Unsplash

Salt has several pretty important health benefits, but that doesn’t mean you should consume it in unlimited quantities. Your health will actually benefit if you attempt to reduce your daily salt intake, and these five tips will help you do it.

Fresh Ingredients

Frozen and canned goods can contain extra seasonings with high sodium content. That’s why you should check their labels and try to buy fresh meats, fruits, and veggies whenever possible.

Label Check

Speaking of checking labels, you shouldn’t just do it with canned goods. Many other foods are packed with sodium, and checking the labels will show you which ones are best avoided.

Different Seasonings

Salt is far from being the only thing you can use to season your food. Start experimenting in the kitchen, and replace it with spices such as black pepper, parsley, cilantro, and coriander.

Eating Out

Reducing your sodium intake can get tricky when you’re eating out, but it’s not impossible. Check if there are any low-sodium options on the menu or ask the chef to cut back on salt.


The more you cook on your own, the more in control you’ll be of your sodium intake. In addition to preparing your meals, you should also consider making your own sauces.