Prolong the Life of Your Cast Iron Skillet with These Useful Tips

How to preserve a cast iron skillet
Photo by Blake Carpenter on Unsplash

Cast iron skillet is one of the staples of every well-equipped kitchen, and some foodies can’t imagine cooking a single meal without it. Unfortunately, taking proper care of a cast-iron skillet can be difficult, but you can use these tips to make sure yours lasts.

No Dishwasher

Putting your cast iron skillet inside a dishwasher may save you time, but it’s not the best idea. It’s important to keep your cast iron moisture-free to avoid rusting and corrosion, and that’s also the reason why you shouldn’t submerge it in water to soak.

Washing Tips

You should never rinse your pan while it’s still hot, especially in cold water. This can lead to cracks or warps and leave you with a damaged skillet that’s impossible to fix. Don’t overuse soap when washing your skillet, and make sure to dry it properly to get rid of the moisture.

Regular Seasoning

In addition to drying your cast-iron skillet after washing it, you should also make sure to season it on a regular basis. Oiling the pan is extremely important because it helps maintain its non-stick surface and avoid rust and corrosion.