Professional Chefs Say You Should Never Order a Well-Done Burger

Photo by Vitor Monthay on Unsplash

Many things can make or break a burger. The quality of meat, the bun, other ingredients, and even a personal preference are what differentiate between a burger that is bad, good, or great. However, there is one thing that will make a burger bad by default, according to professional chefs.

As it turns out, well-done burgers will almost certainly result in a disappointing meal. In a chat with Eat This, Clinton Hall’s executive chef Darryl Harmon explained that too much time on the grill would dry out the burger patty and cause it to lose all of its flavors and texture. According to him, rare or medium-rare burgers are much superior.

“You can actually taste the quality of the beef or meat you’re using,” he added.

Tom Holland of Boston-based eatery A&B Burgers agrees. He believes that keeping burgers away from the well-done category allows them to retain their natural juices and pack a lot more flavor.

“When we test our burgers, they’re always cooked to medium-rare, and that is how we create the balance with additional ingredients,” Holland explains.

Still, all these chefs recognize that seeing the red inside of a burger patty isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Also, there are people who like how well-done meat tastes. But keep in mind that if you really want to enjoy a burger properly, you should give rare or medium-rare a chance.