40+ Adorable "Pokémon" Memes That Have Us Wanting to "Catch 'Em All"

Originally published on our site toppoptoday.com

Growing up, Pokémon was a huge part of our childhoods, and we love it just as much as adults. Between collecting the cards, watching the animated show, and playing the games, we had to "catch 'em all".

Fans can't get enough Pokémon and they're posting wholesome memes that are giving us nostalgia overload. These are the best Pokémon memes on the internet.

The Holy Grail

If you collected Pokémon cards when you were younger, you probably were on the lookout for the holy grail of all cards—the holographic Charizard.

The Holy Grail

Anyone with this special of a card got major street cred in middle school, but it turns out this card was more valuable than we ever realized. In fact, the 1999 first edition card just sold for over $300,000 on eBay. Still, even at that price, we’re not sure we could part with a card so invaluable.

You Just Get Me

Some days, we’re not very good at handling our emotions. In fact, we feel an awful lot like sprouting out poison from our heads, much like Shroomish.

You Just Get Me

That’s where good friends come in—the ones who know exactly what we’re feeling without making us express it out loud. Don’t take our grumpy faces too seriously—we appreciate your efforts, friends, and we don’t take it for granted.

Number One

With all kinds of skills and abilities, every Pokémon has its strong suit. Whether you’re a fan of the fire-shooting Pokémon, or you’re more into the cooler water-based ones, there’s one thing to remember.

Number One

In the end, it’s important to recognize and appreciate your own worth. If you ever forget, you can turn to the Pokémon community for your daily dose of positivity, and we’re so grateful for that.

Playing With Fire

In myths and legends, dragons are big, fire-breathing creatures who all have similar physical characteristics. Apparently, the creators of Pokémon never referenced the dragons we’re all familiar with when creating their own creatures.

 Playing With Fire

Instead, their dragon-type creatures defy the things we thought we knew. Don’t judge a book by its cover—even the most ferocious-looking creatures might not be dragon Pokémon at all.

You Got Games?

When they’re not busy engaging in fierce battles, Pokémon are a lot like children. They need to be distracted and cared for by their trainers.

You Got Games?

In fact, when you think about it, they really do share a lot of characteristics with kids. We’re dying over how cute it is to see a guy letting his little Pokémon play on his phone while they take the subway together. What a wholesome meme.

Generational Differences

It’s been almost 30 years since Pokémon was released, and the new versions just keep coming. The creators of Pokémon are doing a great job at making sure the game doesn’t get stale, but there’s something so special about the original generation of creatures.

Generational Differences

We can’t get over how sad these original Pokémon look. Don’t worry, guys, we could never forget the versions that started it all.

Originally published on our site toppoptoday.com