\nThe reality is, if Harry had stayed in his room, a lot of things wouldn’t have happened. But what kind of series would we have then? Harry and his friends wouldn’t have become the wizards they did if they had just stayed in their room.
"],"title":"Tough Love","image":{"name":"vp9nxao2cooibfe0.jpg","credit":"Screenshot from \"Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone\"","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":700,"height":833},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":476}}}},{"text":["Arthur Weasley’s genuine excitement and admiration for all things Muggle will forever be adorable. In fact, now that we think about it, he’s probably the best father-in-law that Hermione could've gotten. But that’s beside the point.\nWhenever you feel down, just remind yourself that you are powerful and understand basic machines, like toaster ovens and microwaves—Arthur Weasley would be proud of you! If that’s not inspirational enough, we don’t know what is.
"],"title":"He’s Proud of You","image":{"name":"fgd7kzlxffwlvlaw.jpg","credit":"Screenshot from \"Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix\"; Image via Imgur","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":700,"height":592},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":338}}}},{"text":["Besides his constant use of the spell “expelliarmus”, Harry has another common move that makes him instantly recognizable—sacrificing himself to save his friends, no matter the situation. \nIf this was an actual situation, the evil clone would immediately be found out. As Hermione says, Harry is constantly putting himself in harm's way if it means saving everyone around him. We love him (and also hate him a little bit) for it.
"],"title":"Self-Sacrifice","image":{"name":"___hu9xlqlgyb22pqdp.jpg","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":720,"height":520},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":289}}}},{"text":["Sneaking past Fluffy and getting past the other obstacles took our three protagonists quite a bit of time in the first movie, which means that Quirrell had to wait around for Harry to finally show up. \nWe love this Mr. Bean impression of him. We wonder how he kept himself busy down there waiting—we almost feel bad that he had to wait it out while having to talk to a very unpleasant guest underneath his head scarf.
"],"title":"Mr. Quirrell","image":{"name":"8mpg9dtexelsn1wx.jpg","credit":"Screenshot from \"Mr. Bean's Holiday\"; Image via Imgur","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":700,"height":710},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":406}}}},{"text":["If Harry had formed such a connection with these two characters that he named his child after them, the series would’ve looked much different. Argus Filch and Arabella Figg were two “squibs” or people who were born to wizards with magical powers but did not inherit any themselves.\nIf this had been the case, this Potter wouldn’t have been able to go to Hogwarts, and then his fear of getting into Slytherin wouldn’t come true later.
"],"title":"Squib Games","image":{"name":"616b1lb155mkyssw.jpg","credit":"Screenshot from \"Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows II\"; Image via Imgur","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":700,"height":609},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":348}}}},{"text":["The Harry Potter Series is full of so many complexities, and unexpected twists and turns. Trying to summarize it all in one line might seem like a difficult task—but luckily, this fan found it written out in the books themselves.\nDumbledore always seemed to know more than the average witch or wizard. If he could’ve shared some knowledge with Harry every so often, *before *an event actually occurred, then maybe some things might have turned out differently. Oh well.
"],"title":"Head Master (at Keeping Secrets)","image":{"name":"5x7lmqnfd1aai3ok.jpg","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":700,"height":313},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":179}}}},{"text":["One part of the series that absolutely touches our hearts is the “family” Harry gains once he gets to Hogwarts and meets other people in the wizarding world. After 11 horrible years with the Dursleys, he more than deserves to experience some familial love.\nAnd the Weasley family from the beginning were so extremely kind to Harry. How sweet is it that Ron rubs Harry’s head as his own brothers do? We love that this fan was able to point this out to us.
"],"title":"Bromance","image":{"name":"5mc9t8qd21vg4grw.jpg","credit":"Screenshot from \"Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone\"","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":720,"height":773},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":430}}}},{"text":["Dumbledore in 1940 knew what he was doing when he stepped out in a sharp suit, a collared shirt, and a tie. Is it wrong to say that we might have had a crush on him?\nThe reality is, we wouldn’t trust what Dumbledore has to say as much if he was wearing suits instead of his iconic robes. There is something about a long flowy cloak and a long white beard that exudes wisdom and knowledge.
"],"title":"Suit & Tie","image":{"name":"___nenlwa4w8a7fopsj.jpg","credit":"Screenshots from \"Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore\"; \"Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets\"; Image via Imgur","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":700,"height":558},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":319}}}},{"text":["Crushes can make us do crazy things, but they’re no excuse to be rude to others. When it comes to Snape’s treatment of Harry, we’ve been waiting for someone to say what we’ve all been thinking. \nHarry was a child, and yet Snape’s crush on his mother made him act horribly toward Harry for essentially his entire time at Hogwarts. We love this announcement in the form of a Presidential Alert.
"],"title":"Presidential Alert","image":{"name":"8iqmqgrlqw45o1nf.jpg","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":700,"height":410},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":234}}}},{"text":["Dobby is one of our favorite characters. His purely good intentions and quirky personality made us love him, especially when he showed up to try and keep Harry out of danger. \nWell, this isn’t exactly how we remember Dobby’s warning. And yet, it still gives us the same chill to hear that there will only be online classes that it did to hear that Harry was in danger. We wonder what Hogwarts would be like during the pandemic.
"],"title":"Hogwarts-19","image":{"name":"2otq54qcwfxrg2jn.jpg","credit":"Screenshot from \"Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets\"; Image via Imgur","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":700,"height":698},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":399}}}},{"text":["“Canon” refers to stories and information that are accurate in relation to the rest of the series. And although J.K. Rowling herself said that this new part of the Harry Potter series, set 19 years after the last book, should be considered canon, people were quick to disagree.\nThis use of Samuel L. Jackson perfectly describes how many fans reacted to this addition to the series and Rowling’s opinion on how it should be received.
"],"title":"Council’s Decision","image":{"name":"m93na44m3qoh2ktp.jpg","credit":"Screenshot from \"Captain Marvel\", Image via Imgur","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":700,"height":618},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":353}}}},{"text":["People used Harry’s last name any chance they could—some said it with admiration, while others seemed to spit it out of their mouths with disgust. It’s not unfair to use someone else’s last name in a funny way for once.\nBut Neville? Sweet, poor Neville. As if he needed more things to be made fun of. (Although with a name like that, we are surprised there weren’t more jokes about it.)
"],"title":"Long Bottom","image":{"name":"8v33nra4ad0otech.jpg","credit":"Screenshot from \"Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone\", Image via Imgur","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":521,"height":550},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":422}}}},{"text":["It might’ve seemed like a mystery to some people why girls go to the bathroom in groups. The answer lies within the unfortunate luck of the girls in Harry Potter. Could you imagine if Harry and Ron hadn’t remembered that Hermione went to the bathroom when the troll was on the loose?\nNo one knows what lies beyond the door to the girls’ bathroom, and as we can see, the possibilities are scary. Stay safe out there girls—travel in groups.
"],"title":"Use the Buddy System","image":{"name":"4vkt5cysa1bbta8x.jpg","credit":"Screenshots from \"Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince\"; \"Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets\"; \"Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone\"; Image via Imgur","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":720,"height":893},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":496}}}},{"text":["As much as some people hated Harry, Dumbledore loved him with a passion. He held a watchful eye over him throughout every moment, acting as his mentor and biggest fan. And sometimes, the fact that Harry was his favorite was a bit too obvious.\nFor example, when he was allowed a broom, and then every single other rule was a non-factor when it came to Harry. Having the Headmaster on your side is definitely lucky.
"],"title":"One Exception","image":{"name":"5jlh2h6gmiwicniu.jpg","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":720,"height":524},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":291}}}},{"text":["The smile on Tom Holland’s dad says it all—how are you possibly supposed to keep your cool in the presence of the beautiful, talented Emma Watson? Being a celebrity must be so weird, especially when meeting other celebrities. What are you possibly supposed to do?\nWe know we definitely wouldn’t be able to keep it together, and we have no idea how Tom Holland is able to appear so normal.
"],"title":"Star Struck","image":{"name":"s9b0ct0779zau1ya.jpg","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":532,"height":633},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":476}}}},{"text":["It’s always funny to think about how the wizarding world would interact with the muggle world if all of it existed in real life. And luckily, fans are so creative, we get a little taste of what it might be like—like this comment for example. \nThis is absolute gold. We know that if Ron was ever going to be in a music video, this is exactly how his mother would respond to him.
"],"title":"Ron in the Muggle World","image":{"name":"y6nsy6pdvvv0a7id.jpg","credit":"Screenshot from \"Ed Sheeran - Lego House [Official Music Video] via Ed Sheeran/YouTube; Image via Imgur","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":487,"height":652},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":536}}}},{"text":["Dumbledore has good intentions, we know he does. He obviously cares about his students and their well-being. And yet, we have to wonder where his judgment goes when he decides who to hire each year.
\nSeriously, Hogwarts has a higher turnover rate for employees than it should. They should probably do a better background check before they hire their professors. Hermione's face shows our reaction perfectly.
"],"title":"Actions Speak Louder","image":{"name":"ykobnwdexcw5k73g.jpg","credit":"Screenshots from \"Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire\"; Image via Imgur","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":720,"height":413},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":229}}}}]}; Growing up, Pokémon was a huge part of our childhoods, and we love it just as much as adults. Between collecting the cards, watching the animated show, and playing the games, we had to "catch 'em all".
Fans can't get enough Pokémon and they're posting wholesome memes that are giving us nostalgia overload. These are the best Pokémon memes on the internet.
If you collected Pokémon cards when you were younger, you probably were on the lookout for the holy grail of all cards—the holographic Charizard.
Anyone with this special of a card got major street cred in middle school, but it turns out this card was more valuable than we ever realized. In fact, the 1999 first edition card just sold for over $300,000 on eBay. Still, even at that price, we’re not sure we could part with a card so invaluable.
Some days, we’re not very good at handling our emotions. In fact, we feel an awful lot like sprouting out poison from our heads, much like Shroomish.
That’s where good friends come in—the ones who know exactly what we’re feeling without making us express it out loud. Don’t take our grumpy faces too seriously—we appreciate your efforts, friends, and we don’t take it for granted.
With all kinds of skills and abilities, every Pokémon has its strong suit. Whether you’re a fan of the fire-shooting Pokémon, or you’re more into the cooler water-based ones, there’s one thing to remember.
In the end, it’s important to recognize and appreciate your own worth. If you ever forget, you can turn to the Pokémon community for your daily dose of positivity, and we’re so grateful for that.
In myths and legends, dragons are big, fire-breathing creatures who all have similar physical characteristics. Apparently, the creators of Pokémon never referenced the dragons we’re all familiar with when creating their own creatures.
Instead, their dragon-type creatures defy the things we thought we knew. Don’t judge a book by its cover—even the most ferocious-looking creatures might not be dragon Pokémon at all.
When they’re not busy engaging in fierce battles, Pokémon are a lot like children. They need to be distracted and cared for by their trainers.
In fact, when you think about it, they really do share a lot of characteristics with kids. We’re dying over how cute it is to see a guy letting his little Pokémon play on his phone while they take the subway together. What a wholesome meme.
It’s been almost 30 years since Pokémon was released, and the new versions just keep coming. The creators of Pokémon are doing a great job at making sure the game doesn’t get stale, but there’s something so special about the original generation of creatures.
We can’t get over how sad these original Pokémon look. Don’t worry, guys, we could never forget the versions that started it all.