Perfect Your Recipes for Creamy Soups in Three Short Steps

Creamy soups. Your three-step guide to making creamy soups.
Photo by Ella Olsson on Unsplash

Soup is one of the ultimate comfort foods that we all reach for when looking for a way to give our immune system a boost. Creamy soups are an especially great option on days when we crave a tasty pick-me-up dish and making them on your own is even easier with these useful tips.

Blender Choice

The blender is one of the kitchen gadgets you need to make a delicious creamy soup, but not all of them are created equal. Using a food processor won’t give your soup the smooth and creamy texture you’re aiming for and that’s why you should always go for an immersion blender instead.

Perfect Veggies

Most creamy soups call for the use of vegetables that you should cook beforehand. If you end up overcooking or undercooking them your soup won’t taste so great, so you should always use a fork to check their doneness during the boiling process.

Creamy Add-Ins

Try not to overdo it with milk, butter, plain yogurt, sour cream, and other creamy ingredients if your recipe calls for them. The tricky thing about them is that they’ll taste differently if you end up reheating the soup, and that’s why eating it right away is your best possible option.