Perfect Your Homemade Gelato With These Useful Tips and Tricks

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Gelato is ice cream’s superior Italian cuisine, but you don’t have to go to Rome or Venice to enjoy its delicious flavor. Making gelato at home doesn’t come easy, but it’s certainly possible, and these useful tips will help you achieve the best texture and flavor.

Right Tools

Most gelato recipes you find online will recommend using an ice cream maker, and that’s not a coincidence. Churning ice cream by hand time and time again is a tiring and time-consuming process, so consider investing in this kitchen tool if you want to make gelato on a regular basis.

Churning Process

One of the main differences between gelato and traditional ice cream is that gelato should churn at a slower speed, and you won’t be able to achieve the right texture if you skip this step.

Balancing Sweetness

Sugar is one of the main gelato ingredients, along with milk and cream, and it prevents it from freezing solid, thus achieving soft consistency. That doesn’t mean you should make your mixture overly sweet, so try to strike the right balance with corn syrup or maple syrup if needed.

Right Temperature

The right temperature is key when it comes to making homemade gelato. It’s highly recommended to properly chill all the ingredients and the custard, and some even go as far as to freeze the ice cream maker bowl to maintain the right temperature when making gelato.