Not-So-Healthy “Healthy” Foods

Photo by Alexis Chloe on Unsplash

There is that dangerous group of foods that you’ve always thought of as a healthy choice. To your surprise, a lot of those things are not actually that good for you. Here are some of the not-so-healthy foods you should avoid.

Caesar’s Salad

This salad is very high in calories, although we find it so delicious. It is still a salad, but that doesn’t mean that it’s as healthy as you think. It is a part of the not-so-healthy foods group that we consider to be healthy. The dressing and croutons add a lot to the calorie value.

Dried Fruit

Dried fruits, unfortunately, contain a lot of sugar. They sure are the best snack but are not that healthy. Instead, switch to fresh fruit. If you still decide to have dried fruits, limit the intake.

Flavored Yogurt

Yogurt is a great probiotic without a doubt. But those flavored products sold in stores are packed with sugar. This makes flavored yogurt another one of the not-so-healthy foods that we usually consider to be healthy.


A lot of granola bars contain so much sugar that you definitely want to pass. Always check the ingredient list before you decide what to get. The best substitute is oatmeal, which you can make in so many different ways.