Muhammara is the Middle Eastern Spread You’ll Definitely Want More Of

Image by Veganamente Rakel S.I. from Pixabay

When it comes to Middle Eastern dips, hummus seems to get all the glory. Now don’t get us wrong—we are hardcore devotees of the chickpea spread! All we’re saying is the region is so rich in flavor that hummus should not be your be-all and end-all. 

Originally from Syria, this red pepper and walnut dip is a favorite with bread and is served as an accompaniment to meat. So if you’re ready to go on a taste trip that will combine sweet, salty, and spicy in a single mouthful, muhammara has to be the next thing you make. 


  • 3 red peppers
  • 1 cup fresh breadcrumbs
  • ½ tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon pomegranate molasses
  • 1 ½ teaspoons ground cumin
  • 1 ½ teaspoons ground paprika
  • 1 tablespoon dried Aleppo chili flakes
  • 1 garlic clove, peeled and crushed
  • ½ cup walnuts, finely chopped
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil, plus extra to finish
  • Kosher salt


  1. Preheat the oven to 400 F and roast halved peppers (with core and seeds removed) for 20-25 minutes or until skins are blackened. Once removed, cover with foil to allow skins to steam up, and remove the skin when cool.
  2. Place the peppers, breadcrumbs, walnuts,  garlic, molasses, lemon juice, and spices in a food processor and blend while adding in the olive oil until the texture is smooth.
  3. Spoon into a shallow serving bowl and finish with olive oil and walnuts.