Minako Umehara Will Make You Fall in Love with Caramel All Over Again

If you’ve never stumbled upon Minako Umehara’s Instagram page 365cleaneats, it’s finally time to learn her name. The Melbourne-based food blogger is rocking our world with her plant-based recipes, and her delicious caramel desserts are impossible to resist.

Vegan Creme Caramel

If you want to start your journey through Umehara’s Instagram page with a beginner-friendly recipe, this is just the thing you need. Light, creamy, and incredibly tasty, this homemade caramel owes its taste to maple syrup, pumpkin purée, raw cashews, and coconut cream.

Raw Salted Caramel Slice

Another pretty simple recipe you can easily recreate at home, these delicious slices consist of three layers. Cashew base and chocolate topping give it an extra spark, but it all comes down to caramel layer, made with raw almonds, dates, maple syrup, and tahini, among other ingredients.

Banana Caramel Cheesecake Tart

Cheesecakes and tarts are two of Umehara’s specialties, and this delicious dessert combines them into one. If its caramel cheesecake filling doesn’t rock your world, topping it with some whipped cream, banana, chocolate chips, and some more caramel certainly will.