Mei Yee Will Make You Fall in Love with Colorful, Vegan Madeleines

Mei Yee is the mastermind behind some of Instagram’s most chic vegan desserts, and many of them come in the shape of madeleines. She made these French tiny sponge cakes in all the colors of the rainbow, and here are some of her most delicious recipes.

Lemon Madeleines

Mei Yee’s Instagram feed is filled with many vibrant blue desserts, and these lemon madeleines owe their unique color to the blue spirulina powder.

Matcha Madeleines

This vegan food blogger also enjoys including matcha powder in many of her recipes, and that’s how she gave these shell-shaped sweet treats their green shade.

Orange Turmeric Madeleines

If oranges happen to be your favorite citrus fruit, you have to try making these tasty madeleines that call for the use of candied orange peel and orange juice.

Sweet Potato Madeleine

Yee’s desserts simply wouldn’t be the same without Suncore Foods’ colorful powders, and this one owes its pink tone to purple sweet potato and ebony carrot powder.

Chocolate Madeleine

If you’re not in the mood to experiment, and just want to try some tasty madeleines with the classic chocolate taste, this is the recipe for you.