Mei Yee Will Help You Discover the Magical World of Challah Bread

Mei Yee is one of those food bloggers that can make pretty much any dish look delicious and picture-perfect—including bread. Challah bread seems to be her latest obsession, and her recipes draw inspiration from traditional braided bread of Ashkenazi Jewish origin.

She shared quite a few recipes for this dish on her Instagram page, and here are three that will help you discover the amazing world of challah bread.

Ebony Carrot Challah Bread

Yee became a true sensation thanks to her beautifully colored desserts, and she took a similar approach with her challah bread. This is the most beginner-friendly recipe that she has in store, and she used ebony carrot powder to give it its vibrant purple color.

Butterfly Pea Flower Challah Bread

Yee often uses butterfly pea flower powder to color her dishes in different shades of pinks, and she used the same method this time around. This challah bread comes with a sesame seeds coating that immediately pops to mind when someone mentions this dish.

Purple Sweet Potato Challah Bread

This recipe contains all the ingredients you’d expect from challah bread, including traditional shape and sesame seeds coating—but with one big twist! Yee couldn’t resist using purple sweet potato powder to give this bread its eye-catching shade.