Make Your Own Kombu Dashi to Have in All Your Favorite Japanese Dishes!

Dashi is a standard broth that is used in a lot of different Asian dishes, and though it varies in ingredients based on the type of dashi being made, the most known kind in the western world is kombu dashi. This dashi only uses a few ingredients, but the flavor those ingredients harness is extremely delicious and very healthy! Keep dashi around to use for dishes like ramen, miso soup, or even just eat with rice as a filling and healthful meal. So gather these few ingredients and you can have dashi at your fingertips all the time.


  • 1/3 oz of kombu, a type of kelp
  • 2/3 oz of bonito flakes, or omit if you’re vegetarian or vegan
  • 4 cups of water


  1. Put the kombu into a pot with the water and heat over medium-low heat for about 10 minutes. You don’t want to boil it or the kombu won’t release the umami flavor.
  2. Once the water gets closer to a boil, take the kombu out and put in the bonito flakes. If you’re vegetarian or vegan, omit since it’s a fish product.
  3. Turn the heat off and let the flakes steep for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Strain them out, and you have your dashi!