Make Your Corn on the Cob Sweeter with These Tips

Corn on the Cob
Photo by MOHD HAFIZ YAHYA on Unsplash

Corn on the cob is the ultimate summer food. It is perfect for picnics, barbecues, or when you simply want a snack that is quick and easy to make. For most people, the sweeter the corn is, the better. If you are also on the team “sweet corn,” continue reading to find out some tips on how to make your corn on the cob sweeter.

Add Milk

To up the sweetness level of the corn, simply add one cup of milk to the cooking water. The heat will break down the carbohydrates in the milk and make the corn taste sweeter. This might seem unusual, but once you try it, you will never use another method. 

Add Sugar and Butter

If the milk doesn’t do the trick for you, then simply throw in some sugar and butter to the cooking water. The sugar will cause the water to get sweet, and the butter will help infuse that sweetness into the corn.

Use High Temperatures

The higher the temperature of the boiling water, the better. More heat will cause the sugars in corn to break down more efficiently, resulting in more sweetness in every bite.

Use Fresh Corn on the Cob

Finally, fresh corn on the cob packs much more sugar than the one that has been sitting around for a while. You’ll easily recognize them by their firm ears and bright green husks that have a moist look.