Make Delicious Grilled Vegetables With Three Useful Hacks

Grilled vegetables are one of the staples of the plant-based diet, but getting them just right takes time and practice. If yours don’t taste as delicious as you’d want them to, try following these three steps.

Add Some Oil

Your veggies will grill much better if they’re covered with a light coating of oil. By adding oil to the mix, you’re making sure that salt, paper, and other seasonings are sticking more firmly. Oil will also prevent the veggies from drying out and sticking to the grill.

Slicing Technique

You should cut your veggies into smaller pieces so they can cook more quickly, but keep in mind that each one comes with its own set of rules. Adapt your slicing technique to the type of vegetables you will be grilling.

Right Pairs

The tricky part about grilling a lot of veggies at once is that they won’t be done at the same time. That’s why you should consider pairing off soft and hard vegetables separately, or pre-cooking the ones that take longer.