Make Delicious and Crispy Hash Browns by Avoiding These Common Mistakes

Photo by Jonathan Farber on Unsplash

Hash browns are one of the most beloved American breakfast dishes, but it takes time to master your own recipe. If you’re struggling to make your hash browns perfectly crispy and delicious, these three useful tips will get you there.

Excess Water

Your hash browns will be soggy and bland if you don’t put in an effort to get rid of excess water before baking them. It’s extremely important to squeeze your potato shreds time and time again to get rid of the liquids that may lead to soggy hash browns.

Salting the Potatoes

You should tread lightly when salting your potatoes, because they may become soggy if you do it at the wrong time. If you do it too soon, your hash browns may start releasing water, so it’s best to salt them right before flipping them.

Right Pan

The tricky thing about hash brown is that they can easily stick to your pan—unless you’re using the right one. Non-stick pan is the safest choice, but you can also go with a cast iron skillet because it will give your hash browns the ideal crispiness and color when seasoned properly.