Magnesium-Rich Foods You Should Be Eating

Photo by Oscar Nord on Unsplash

Magnesium is one of the most important minerals because it is involved in many processes that are crucial for proper metabolic function. It plays many important roles in the your overall health (both body and mind!). Even if your diet is balanced you actually might not be getting enough of it, which means you might feel weak, nauseated, experience muscle cramps and more. Including magnesium-rich foods in your everyday meals can help fight odd diabetes, maintain good blood pressure, and even fight depression. Magnesium is widely available in foods — read on to find out which!

Leafy Greens

All leafy greens are extremely beneficial for your health. Kale, spinach, Swiss chard should be a regular part of your meals. Making a single leafy green salad a week will change your life.


Raspberries are not only rich in antioxidants but also in magnesium. Together with bananas and avocados, these fruits make the perfect tasty summer salad.


Figs are just the perfect fruit to provide you with your daily dose of magnesium. They are sweet and delicious. What more could you ask for? A lot of people include them in morning oatmeals or add them to sandwiches.

Green Beans

Just like the leafy greens, this vegetable is a magnesium-rich food. The best thing about green beans is that you can actually cook them in so many ways. You can even have them fresh in salads.