Love Nuts? Find Out How Many You Can Eat Per Day

How many nuts per day
Photo by Maddi Bazzocco on Unsplash

Nuts are commonly viewed as a healthy snack, so people don’t really pay attention to how many they eat. The more, the better, right? Well, it turns out it isn’t so. There should be a limit to your daily snacking when it comes to nuts if you want to keep that healthy effect you are aiming for.

Almonds – One Ounce per Day

Almonds have tons of benefits for your health, giving you magnesium, fiber, and vitamin E. But they also have a high number of calories and fat, which is why you shouldn’t eat more than 23 almonds or one ounce, according to Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

Pistachios – Between One and Three Ounces per Day

Pistachios are full of nutrients, containing fiber, vitamin B, and potassium. They also have more antioxidants compared to most other nuts. However, pistachios have the same problem with high calories like almonds. Also, they are often served salted, so snacking on too many will come with a high sodium intake. The recommended dose is between one and three ounces. 

Walnuts – Seven Whole Walnuts

Walnuts will provide you with omega-3 fatty acids, which are great for blood pressure and the brain. On top of that, they help you have a healthy gut and are a source of antioxidants. You should not eat more than seven whole walnuts per day as overdoing it might get you bloated.

Brazil Nuts – One or Two per Day

You might be tempted to eat a handful of Brazil nuts in one sitting, but that would be a big mistake. While this nut is a rich source of potassium, a compound that helps in sleep efficiency, it also has high amounts of selenium. A high selenium intake leads to bad breath, nausea, and hair loss, so limit yourself to one or two Brazil nuts per day.