Kiwi Season is Here: Everything to Know About Buying and Storing Kiwi

Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

Kiwi season is officially here. The kiwi plantations in California, where most kiwis in the U.S. are grown, are sending freshly-picked kiwis across the nation, and they are taking the starring role in the fruit section in the grocery stores near you.

You probably won’t be able to resist buying kiwis when you see them, considering they are so tasty. With this in mind, we decided to bring you some tips on buying and storing kiwi that will help you have an enjoyable kiwi season.

Picking Out the Best Kiwi

When buying kiwis, you should look for one that has firm skin without any bruises, spots, or blemishes. Also, don’t buy kiwis that are too soft or too hard. The ones that allow a gentle squeeze are usually the sweetest and best ones.

Finally, also give each kiwi a sniff. A pleasant and citrusy smell indicates you made the right choice. On the other hand, a pungent smell means you should put it away.

Storing Kiwis

You can store kiwi at room temperature away from sunlight and it will usually keep its quality for several days. However, if you store it in the fridge, it will remain edible for a couple of weeks.

What to Do With Unripe Kiwi

If you have unripe kiwi on your hands, then help it get to its best version. Keeping it in a paper bag at room temperature for a few days will get the job done.