Kitchen Items You Should Never Throw Away

Mason Jar with cereal and milk inside
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Most things that we throw away on a daily basis can easily be reused, and learning how to recycle old stuff can save you some money and will definitely reduce your waste. Here are some kitchen items you should try and repurpose instead of throwing them away.

Egg Cartons                    

Egg cartons can be reused in so many creative ways, from organizing small home items, to growing seedlings, to fun DIY projects such as making Christmas ornaments.

Mason Jars

We throw away mason jars on a daily basis, but they can easily be turned into candle holders, vases, or be used for pickling, storing food, tea, spices, and more.


We all have plenty of cracked or scratched mugs in our home, but don’t throw them away just yet. Old mugs can still be used for planting herbs, fun DIY projects, and many other things.

Lunch Boxes

Lunch boxes that you no longer use can make awesome organizers and you can use them for storing your makeup, jewelry, art supplies, and pretty much anything that comes to your mind.