Italian Cookbooks To Shake Up Your Recipe Collection

Italian Cooking
Photo by Jakub Kapusnak on Unsplash

Are you looking for some new recipes to shake up dinnertime? Perhaps you want to surprise your dinner party guests with some new tastes? Here are some Italian cookbooks that are sure to expand your recipe collection.

Essentials of Classic Italian Cooking

This cookbook by Marcella Hazan contains scrumptious dishes that aspiring cooks of all levels can create. In addition to clear instructions and suggestions, this book provides some super helpful illustrations so that everything becomes clear as day.

Rizzoli La Cucina: The Regional Cooking of Italy

If you’re looking for authenticity, then this cookbook is sure to blow your mind. Published by a group of Italian scholars, this cookbook contains recipes from local cooks, farmers, and grandmothers from different regions of Italy.

Phaidon Press The Silver Spoon

Originally published in Italian in the 1950s, this cookbook is regarded by many as the bible of Italian cooking. With over 2,000 recipes, you’re bound to find a flavor that satisfies your innermost desires.