Is Vitamin Water a Good Substitute for Regular Water?

Vitamin water
Image by homank76/Depositphotos

We all know how important it is to drink as much water as possible on a daily basis. It’s one of the healthiest substances you can put in your body and it’s vital to the survival of every living thing on this planet. But, naturally, us humans always find ways to create alternatives, or substitutes, for vital things. Vitamin water is a great example of this. But is it really an adequate substitute for water?

To an Extent

Vitamin water can be a great substitute for water, but up to a certain extent. If you’re turning vitamin water into your primary source of water, then we wouldn’t recommend it. Sure, it’s got plenty of vitamins, and it’s tasty as well, but it’s still not quite as transparently healthy as water, and thus shouldn’t be treated as such.

A Good Supplement

Vitamin water should be treated as a supplement to get you from one cup of water to the next. In other words, it’s a great drink in those moments when you’re just sick of plain old water and needs something sweeter. In those moments, grab the vitamin water instead of the soda. But it’s certainly not meant to be your main “water source”.