Is Swallowing Orange and Citrus Seeds Bad For You?

Photo by dhanya purohit on Unsplash

Many types of seeds come with a long list of healthy properties, but do orange and citrus seeds fall under that category? Most people tend to panic when they accidentally swallow them because there are many misconceptions about them, and here are a few things you should keep in mind the next time it happens to you.

Myths and Facts

It’s a common misconception that swallowing orange seeds can lead to serious disease, but there’s usually no reason for concern. Some people believe they’re harmful because they contain cyanide compounds, but the amount is pretty small and you shouldn’t worry if you swallowed a few seeds by accident.

Eating Them On Purpose?

Even though orange and citrus seeds aren’t necessarily harmful, you should avoid consuming larger amounts at once. It’s also highly recommended to avoid placing them in a blender when making juices and smoothies.

Healthy Properties

Just like organs, orange seeds are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you should eat them in large quantities. Stick to using them to make essential oils and beauty and hair care products if you want to put them to some good use.