Is It Safe to Reuse Frying Oil?

Frying oil
Photo by Kukuvaja Feinkost on Unsplash

French fries, doughnuts and fried chicken are all delicious, but they have one other thing in common. They all leave you with a good amount of leftover oil. And if you happen to fry often, you can go through oil pretty quickly. The good news is it’s perfectly safe to reuse frying oil, and even to do so multiple times. There’s no hard rule on exactly how many times you can reuse a batch of oil, but it’s easy to spot the signs that it’s time to throw it out.

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If it’s cloudy, has a funny smell, or has developed a layer of film on top, it’s time to swat it out for a new batch.

Storing It Right

Storage plays a big role in how long your oil lasts, and in keeping it in good shape. The things you want to avoid are humidity, light, and heat. If you want your oil to last, keep it in a tightly sealed container in a cool, dark place. Another trick is to avoid over or under-heating the oil when cooking with it. The easiest way to make sure the temperature’s just right is to use a thermometer. Next time you’re frying something, hold on to the oil. You know it will come in handy again soon.