Improve Your Baking With Blueberries by Using These 3 Tricks

Blueberry tips
Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash

Blueberries are a great addition to many baked goods. Whether it’s a cobbler or muffin, they will certainly upgrade any dessert. The reason for this is that blueberries release more flavor and become sweeter when baked.

But making baked desserts with blueberries can sometimes be challenging. For example, they tend to sink and concentrate at the bottom of the batter, making them unevenly spread in the dessert. If you want to avoid this and improve your baking with blueberries, check out these three super simple and efficient tricks.

Cover Blueberries with Flour

If you want your blueberries to be evenly spread in pancakes, cobblers, and muffins, then you should cover them with flour before mixing them with batter. The flour will help them stick to the batter and prevent them from sinking.

Leave them Last

Another way to make sure you get blueberries in each bite is to leave them last and add them by hand. If you’re making muffins, then add few berries to the muffin tins and then cover them with batter. Add more on top and pop in the oven. Some berries on top will sink to the middle of the muffin, while some will remain on top, spreading them equally.

The same goes for pancakes. After you pour the batter on a skillet or in a pan, take a handful of blueberries and just toss them on top to create the perfect ratio.

Don’t Defrost Frozen Blueberries

When you are using frozen blueberries, don’t defrost them. Instead, add them to the batter straight out of the freezer. The frozen blueberries will stick better to the batter while also becoming extra juicy in your baked goods.